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What is the difference between T&T Premium series pipe and KrasPipe pipe?
in the KrasPipe pipe, manufactured according to TU U B V.2.7 - 29.2 - 35559629-001: 2012, the use of PPR regranulate of our own production is allowed, while in the T&T Premiun pipe it is allowed to use only primary material.
quote 1
Why is the pipe badly soldered?
The quality of the braze depends solely on the quality of the raw materials, the compatibility of the fitting and the pipe, and compliance with the installation requirements. Only if all of the above conditions are met, you will receive a high-quality connection without constrictions and leaks. As a manufacturer, we guarantee that the outer layer of our pipe (of any series) is made of virgin polypropylene with a flowability of 0.17-0.45, which fully complies with the requirements of all Standards for polypropylene pipes. An increase in this indicator indicates the low quality of the raw materials used, additives of homoplimers or ordinary chalk.
quote 2
Extraneous smell when soldering (pipe "stinks"). Why?
There is no definite answer, each case needs to be considered individually, but in most cases these are additives of low-quality secondary raw materials. We can only say one thing: our pipes do not have such a problem.
quote 3
Why does the pipe crack?

There is no unambiguous answer, each case needs to be considered individually, but in most cases - these may be the following reasons: violation of the installation rules (as indicated in the product passport), the use of a conventional homopolymer instead of the prescribed PPr Type 3, an excessive amount chalk additives are mainly raw materials. We can only say one thing: our pipes do not have such a problem.

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Actual production address: 09108, Kiev region, Bila Tserkva city, Fastivska str "23"
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